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(Closed) Fall Frenzy Scarecrow Competition!

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

The time has come for businesses to show their competitive side again. Our annual Fall Frenzy Scarecrow Competition is back, and we at the Chamber are all excited to see what amazing creations our Local Businesses come up with this time around. There were some really amazing submissions for the 2019 contest and we're hoping this year there are even more! The competition is open to all local businesses and entry is completely free. We'll be on the lookout for the top 4. Scariest, funniest, most creative, and best overall. So get creative!

(Take a look at some of the entries from the 2019 year.)

So how does this work and how do you join? Simply send an email to INFO@HONDOCHAMBER.ORG letting us know you'd like to participate in the competition.We'll add you to the list of storefronts to be judged. The rules themselves are simple. Decorate your storefront and make it exciting! That's it! It's that easy.

The contest will start on September 1st.

Last day to enter the competition is September 28th.

The winner will be announced on September 30th.

Winners will be announced during our Facebook Lets Go Live video. Photos will be shared on our Facebook page as well as our website. If you have any further questions on the competition, please send an email or call us at 830-426-3037.


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